Services provided through my practice are billed privately, meaning you are paying the fees for any services directly to me.
I charge 85,00€ per individual session (approx. 50 mins).
You are welcome to make an appointment for an intitial, free session in order to get to know me and to determine whether you would like me as your therapist or counsellor. Please feel free to contact me.
Fees for psychotherapy are invoiced in accordance with the schedule of fees for alternative practicioners (Gebührenordnung für Heilpraktiker).
The costs for psychotherapy are deductible as extraordinary expenses according to the German income tax law (§ 33 EStG).
Fees for coaching for individuals or teams depend on the chosen setting. Coaching may take place in any of my practice locations or at your workplace etc. Please feel free to discuss your preferred setting with me.
Expenses for professional or career coaching are tax deductable in general as income-related expenses (Werbungskosten).
A variety of services for organisational development and consulting are currently in preparation. Please do not hesitate to contect me regarding an individual project proposal or a quote.
If you have private health insurance (PKV) or if you are covered by the government health insurance system (GKV) and have supplementary insurance, you can submit the invoices to your private or supplementary insurance and may be eligible for reimbursement of costs for psychotherapy in accordance with the German Alternative Practitioners Act ("Erlaubnis, die Heilkunde beschränkt auf das Gebiet der Psychotherapie auszuüben", Heilpraktiker nach HeilprG). If you are intending to fund your therapy costs through insurance, please check whether the costs will be fully or at least partly covered by your individual policy. Please contact your insurer for clarification.
However, sometimes it can prove beneficial to fund the costs of therapy yourself. For example to bridge the gap while you are waiting for a therapy place with a psychotherapist accredited by the Government Health Insurance System but require immediate help with crisis intervention or stabilisation.
You may also fund therapy yourself if you wish to avoid registering in your medical record that you had therapy since a medical history showing a mental disorder may limit your choice to change health insurance or will negatively impact your tariffs and will exclude you from any future inability to work-insurance or life term-insurance and hospital daily benefits.
The costs for counselling in any context - marriage, family, educational or psychosocial - and coaching are categorically not covered by any health insurance.
However, if counselling or coaching is an preventive measure to maintain or increase one's ability to work, for example burn-out prevention in case of job-related stress etc., the costs are tax deductible as income-related expenses.
Additionally, some home contents insurances cover the costs for psychological counselling for victims of burglary. Please contact your insurance for clarification.